Very good
GG against champions below
Viego supports team better than champions listed below
TOUGH GAME against champions listed below
Champions listed below support team better than Viego.
Viego is STRONGER IN LANE against
EZ! Champions listed below earn less gold in lane
Viego is WEAKER IN LANE against
Watch out! Champions listed below earn more gold in lane
Viego JUNGLE - Runes, Build, Guide - League of Legends
Viego is a champion in League of Legends from RIOT Games. On this website, you can also find lol stats, lol tracker, lol tier list, and best champions in lol meta.
Viego Runes
Choosing the right runes can increase your performance in League of Legends. Viego can be stronger when you choose runes that support its abilities.
Primary runes for this champion
Challenger Project recommends primary runes from the tree of . This choice will make you stronger in League of Legends.
Secondary runes for this champion
Challenger Project recommends secondary runes from the tree of . Remember to adjust runes to the team composition and enemy.
Viego Build
We have a list of core items recommended to build for Viego.
We have a list of mid and late-game items and boots recommended to build for Viego.
Viego Guide
Challenger Project uses artificial intelligence to provide up-to-date, the best possible guide for Viego in League of Legends.
AI guide for this champion
When playing Viego JUNGLE focus on the following skills: maximize Kills, maximize Assists, maximize Total heal, maximize Jungle monsters, maximize Ability Q
Synergies and counters
Viego has a positive win rate against: Vi, Nocturne, Khazix, Kayn, LeeSin and a negative win rate against: Ekko, Amumu, Shaco, Graves, Warwick
Useful links
Check out our websites for lol stats, lol tracker, lol tier list and best champions in lol meta.
lol stats and tracker
lol tierlist
lol meta best champions
lol challenges